Image of Postcards Of Beautiful Girls In Over The World From 1900-1910.

Globalization hasn't just changed the way we work together: it's affected what we consider to be wonderful, as well. Pretty much the same number of mourn the McDonalds and Starbucks on each corner, where once there might have been a nearby eatery, so too has what individuals wear ended up homogenized in our Global Village. Affection Levi's? Purchase them for all intents and purposes anyplace. Need a couple of New Balance shoes in Eastern Europe? There's a forte shop for that. 

Before mass correspondence, and TV specifically, there used to be a significant distinction in what we believed was alluring, as this rundown of postcards from 1900-1910, gathered by client PostMan on flickr, appears. Which photograph is the most astounding? Vote on the photographs underneath, or on the off chance that you have any vintage shots of women's style, post them!

More info: Flickr (h/t: designyoutrust)

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